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Book cover designer and layout specialist Friedbanana provide cover design and layout services for publishing houses, record labels, independent authors and artists.

Clients include One Media IP, EMI Publishing, AGI Media and Tambar Arts Ltd (Art and theatre books, Non-fiction, Fiction)

  • Book cover design
  • Art book cover and layout specialist
  • Full book layout and page layout design
  • Book printing & printer liaison and special finishes, stock types, spot colours, embossing and foiling
  • Magazine page layout design, digital flip books and printed magazines
  • Digital book/ Kindle e-book design
  • Self Publishing management for independent authors, Amazon and Lightening Source
  • Adobe Indesign layout, Adobe Photoshop design & Adobe Illustrator design

Friedbanana was approached by One Media IP to design a ‘coffee table’ book on the extravagant world of Glam Rock – Glamnezia. To this end, a bespoke logo was created and a 70’s ‘Slade’ or ‘Sweet’ worn pair of platform boots donned the cover.

Similarly, a Art book cover and full page layout was recently designed for Tambar Arts Ltd for the artist and painter Yair Meshoulam.

glam rock book cover design

Ginger Baker Album campaign

Likewise, past projects have included a full colour picture book for Ginger Baker’s ‘A drummer’s tale’ tour in 2015. It was quite an exhaustive project to collate all of Ginger Bakers 60’s/70’s artwork and photos. In fact, Some old kodak slides needed developing and tons of 60’s memorabilia including the famous wood plane used on the infamous Blind Faith album cover!

Nettie Baker was amazing helping us to photograph and collate everything. To this end, we were all huddled around an old oak table – the same table that Hendrix, Clapton, Ginger et al, had their flower power dinner parties on – far out man!) Read more